
Diwali Vastu Tips for Your Home for Abundant Prosperity

Written by Team Indigopaints  | Published:
October 21, 2022

Diwali is just around the corner, and we all know what that means- it’s time to get our homes ready for the festival of lights with cleaning, house painting, and decorations. And when it comes to ensuring a prosperous and happy home, following the principles of Vastu Shastra can help.

As an ancient Indian system of architecture and design, these principles are all about creating harmony and balance in your space to promote positive energy flow.

Here are some simple yet effective Vastu tips that you can implement in your home this Diwali for a more prosperous future:

Start with your Entryway


Your entryway is the first thing guests will see when they come to your home, so make sure it is welcoming and inviting. A great way to do this is to keep the area well-lit. You can also add a touch of greenery to the space with a potted plant or two.

Painting the door in a bright colour will also help to attract positive energy. The best house colour combinations for this purpose will be yellow, orange, and red.

Declutter and Renovate the Living Room

Make sure that your living room is in harmony with Vastu. To do so, ensure that the furniture in the room is placed in such a way that it promotes positive energy flow. For example, the sofa should be placed against a wall and not in the middle of the room.

The colour of your house wall paint is also important. According to Vastu, the best colours for the living room are bright and metallic shades of red, green, and blue. These colours will help to create a sense of high energy in the room.

Hang a Wind Chime and Use Auspicious Symbols

The gentle sound of the chimes is said to help encourage positive energy flow, which in turn can attract good luck and fortune. Hang it near your entry door to let this positivity flow throughout your home.

Another great way to make your home more Vastu compliant is to decorate it with auspicious symbols of wealth and prosperity – think the Swastika, the elephant and the lotus flower.

Focus on the Kitchen

Your kitchen is the place where you prepare your meals, and it is also the place where the fire element is present. Therefore, it should be in perfect harmony with Vastu principles.

According to Vastu, the stove should be placed in the southeast direction so the food is cooked properly and is healthy. Also, ensure that the kitchen is clean and clutter-free. This will help in the proper flow of energy in the room.

Painting the kitchen walls in the right house painting colour combinations is also essential. The best colours for the kitchen are grey, blue, green, or yellow. These paints for the house represent health, prosperity and happiness. Choose brighter shades for cabinetry and white for countertops.


By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your home is blessed with good fortune, health, and happiness. Go ahead and schedule house painting in time for the festival. Make these small changes in your home and see the difference it makes in your life.

To choose the best paints for your house, please visit our colour combination section and explore your options.

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