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10 DIY Paint Ideas if You Are Painting Your House for the First Time

Written by Team Indigopaints  | Published:
February 22, 2021

Your house is a reflection of your personality and mind. Especially for first time home buyers, a home is a prized possession, so the interior paint ideas must get some wide-eyed looks. In case a person is painting their house for the first time, they would seek professional help. However, it’s not that difficult to imprint your persona on the walls of your dwelling – a place you’d always want to be in.

Professional interior designers might indeed come up with something exceptional after getting your feedback. But the designs will be created, including the furniture and other props. Hence it is always a good idea to indulge in some creativity by oneself and give the interiors of your house a privy touch. So here are some wall colour paint ideas and design tips that will help you let go of an interior designer’s paint ideas.

1. Playing with Neutrals

The hallway in the house serves a variety of purposes, and the colour you choose for it must be inclusive in the paint ideas for your home. So, if you feel that a hall must have a less flashy look to give a sense of calmness to your family, you must go with neutral colours. Faded smoke greys and neutral white shades are the best options if you’re looking for hall colour paint ideas. It will not only add calmness to the place but will also provide a perfect background for deep-coloured furniture pieces and artwork.

2. Choosing the Right Accent

All your guests don’t visit bedrooms and kitchens unless they are close relatives. Hence, the hallway of your home must be the place where you can put an intimate impression on your visitors with excellence in paint ideas. Using accents in your wall paint is one of the best ideas for a hall. You can improve the aura of your entrance using dual accents, like a black brickwork paint on the wall accompanied by a green shade alongside window sills or ceiling angles can add a professional touch. You can use other combinations like a blue tint on your bulging pillars with sandstone coloured walls. Here’s how you can get a perfect accent combination for your house.

3. Post-Modern Memphis

The world of home building and interior décor shall forever know the Memphis Milano wall designs. Going against the stereotypical wall texturing and paint innovation, Memphis brought in a peculiar design therapy for the ones out there who consider themselves to be whimsical. You can easily recreate the 80’s Memphis morphisms, if you think you’re quirky enough, with a monochromatic background all over your walls and then adding imperfectly perfect patterns all over the wall. One of the best wall texture paint ideas can be the bacterium pattern made with acrylic paints, or you can choose to have the freaky geometric shapes. Whatever suits your freak!

4. The Speckled Hall

If the 80’s Memphis is too bold for your taste and social norm, there are similar wall texture paint ideas with a classic modern aura. The speckled painting technique is one of the most loved interior paint ideas among DIY home painting enthusiasts. All you need is latex or enamel colours with a straight roller on the walls you want to accentuate. Next, take a tightly woven brush and dip it in distemper paint of a matching shade, navy blue on aqua for example, and run a wooden or plastic stick along the brush line while pointing it diagonally towards the wall.

5. The Splattered Hall

It is a more chaotic form of painting so you will have to remove everything from the space or cover up nicely. The paint splattering ideas have been famous for almost a decade now, and nearly every DIY painting site will have one section on colour combination perfect for splattering paint. All you have to do is have a lighter shade as a background, then dip a brush in a brighter shade and fling it at the wall from a distance. The patterns this will create is going to bring out the joy in the aura of the room.

6. Sponge Blob

Professional home painters have been using a variety of sponges to create textures and vivid patterns in their wall paint ideas for halls. Using a sponge to smear paint or creating roughly circular blobs on a wall is one of the internationally praised texture paint ideas for any hall. The one thing you need to put the time in is to choose the right sponge.

7. Colour Bands

This painting technique will require you to have some prior research of the colour wheel. Vertical colour bands have the rustic yet modern feeling when used in halls. You must look for colours that are relatable on the wheel and the ones that go with the same warm or cool feeling for your walls. Add the coolest one’s above and begin the warmest one halfway through and voila! You have the perfect DIY finish.

8. The Split Effect

The split painting technique is an age-old design and yet keeps its value when used with larger or elongated space. It is one of the perfect hallway paint ideas, using two colours separated by a fine line can accentuate the feeling of your corridors and hallways.

9. Honeycomb BG

The honeycomb background is an excellent fix if you want to use couches and divans in front of your living room walls. But be prepared, this design idea will need some stiff hands and some skills with the ruler and protractor. Create a honeycomb pattern over a neutral wall using three different shades of colours—mix warm and cool colours like navy, sand brown, and turquoise grey. Remember, you’ll need hands that don’t tremble with the brush.

10. Chess or Checkers

The chessboard design is a classic fix that can be modified with colours in an instant. Along with that, you can also add a checker design on the wall while you’re at it. Just three paint hues for a classical check design on the wall that not only looks crisp but can also add a pleasant feel with the right colour combination.

Final Thoughts

It is always essential for DIY painters to get the right paint ideas for their walls and the designs they intend to put. Always check for the best quality paints from Indigo and get the latest trends in colour choices that will make your living room a sanctum of serenity in the house.


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